Friday, December 29, 2017

Just past halfway to Bellringer goal

We're looking at an uphill battle to reach our $35,000 goal for the Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation Bellringer Fund... because we're at $18,635. Donations may be dropped off at The Herald office, mailed to Poulsbo Lions at PO Box 1244, Poulsbo, or made online at (there's a Donate button in the right sidebar of the page). Thank you!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Bellringer jumps to $10,000+

Our Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation Bellringer Fund is at $10,725. Our goal is $35,000. Can you help?

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Evening Pride gives 3rd graders dictionaries

Evening Pride Lions, headed by Joyce Smith, delivered $1,200 worth of dictionaries to all of the 3rd graders in North Kitsap over the past several weeks. It's a yearly program for these Poulsbo Lions!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Evening Pride Branch wraps gifts

Evening Pride Lions gathered more than $116 in donations wrapping Christmas gifts at Barnes & Noble in Silverdale recently.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Burch completes two legs of Lions Journey

Congrats to Sherri McCormack Burch on completing the first two legs of the Lions Leadership Journey, service and growth. King Lion John MacDonald presented the certificate at our last meeting.

New bench for Risley installed in Waterfront Park

Evening Pride Branch Club Lions gathered funds to pay for this memorial bench for Dick Risley.

Ginny Risley sits at Poulsbo's Waterfront Park on her husband's bench.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Dinner auction nets more than $12k for Maritime Museum

Our 75th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary and Auction event raised money for this project!
Read all about it here.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Peace Poster artists receive gift cards, certificates

Budding artists Delaney Moench of Kingston Middle School (top) and Wren Mason-Todd of Poulsbo Middle School receive certificates and gift cards for their second and first place prizes in the Peace Poster contest, respectively, at our noon meeting today. Wren's peace poster placed first in our zone (C4), and went on to take first in our District C. Congrats to both girls!

Gateway kids screened

Poulsbo Lions screened the vision of 45 kids at the Gateway School Nov. 28 and 29. Thanks to Lions Steve Calhoun, Sherri Burch, Dottie Ridgeway, Pauline Ostheller, Candy Peters, Ann Best, and Karen Reitan

Annual Bellringer Fund kicks off holiday season

Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation Bellringer Fund is underway and with a $35,000 goal! Started the day after Thanksgiving, $2,450 has been donated to date.

In the past 10 years, more than $275,000 has been used to assist those less fortunate in the NK community with one-time needs such as a tank of gas, paying a utility bill, etc. In addition, we've provided food baskets before Christmas.

How to donate? Mail a check to Poulsbo Lions, POB 1244, Poulsbo, WA 98370; or drop off your donation at The Herald office; or visit and click on the DONATE button from the comfort of your home. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

We're hosting this holiday concert

Come and listen to local musicians perform beautiful music in a Holiday Concert sponsored by Poulsbo Lions. The concert is free, though cash and food donations for Fishline Food Bank are requested.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Ask a Lion to wrap your gifts

Poulsbo Evening Pride Lions are wrapping presents for donations at Barnes & Noble in Silverdale November 27, 28, and 30 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Donations support community service projects.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017

Poulsbo Middle student wins district prize

Our Poulsbo Lions peace poster entry has once again won the District C peace poster contest! The winning entry is being mailed to Multiple District 19 to compete for the bigger prize. Our winner is the sister of last year's winner - Wren Mason-Todd, who is a 12-year-old 7th grader at Poulsbo Middle School.

Little steps can take you a long way

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Vinland kids' eyes screened

Poulsbo Noon Lions screened the vision of 29 Vinland Elementary kids (with 2 referrals) Oct. 31. Many thanks to Lions Steve, Pauline, Carol and Sherri.

Decades of service for group of Poulsbo Lions

This group of Lions has spent many years of their lives in service to others. Today they received honors for their years in Lions: (l to r) Pat Burch, 2nd vice district governor giving out the awards, Scott Puhn (40 years as a Lion), President John Macdonald, Andy Hento (40 years in Lions), Zone Chair Ginger Shields, Kent Lord (10 years as a Lion), and Lynnea Heerman (10 years as a Lion).

Also hitting milestones as Lions but not present at today's meeting: Elda Armstrong (20 years), Bob Springer (15 years), Dale Anderson (55 years), Warren Tytler (55 years), Jim Almond (40 years), Linda Schwind (10 years), and Kay Pursey (10 years). It's GREAT to be a Poulsbo Lion.

deRuyter earns blue vest

Congrats to Lydia deRuyter on earning her permanent blue vest. Her sponsor is Steve Calhoun, center. King Lion John Macdonald is on the left.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Steak Night: A full meal deal

What happens at Steak Night stays at Steak Night! Lions Tom Stark and Dennis Tesch share an air smooch.

Chuck Weaver took on the task of preparing the steaks (and this is a picky group!). As usual, Poulsbo Lions gathered at the Masonic Hall in Port Gamble for the event. Behind Chuck are Tom Settle and Dennis Deitch.

Jay and Sandi Dahlquist

Herb and Elda Armstrong

Karen Reitan

John and Dori Swokowski

Lynnea Heerman

The Swokowskis dishing up salad and baked potatoes with Sandi.

 Dick Prine

Billy Jo Settle and niece Jan Kelly

Sherri and Pat Burch with Sue Weaver

Dennis Deitch, Larry Linn and Ken Rury

 Pat Osler and Dennis Deitch


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Viking Way litter pick-up

7 Poulsbo Noon Lions showed up this morning to clean up Viking Way for the first time - Eric Thanem, Denise Zaske, Sherri and Pat Burch, Carol Ryan, Pat Osler and Terry Blais. Fun finds include a sock, underwear, a Slinky and a bandana. We filled 7 bags of trash and now Poulsbo is prettier!

Carol Ryan

A happy crew of Lions

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Armstrongs donate 471 lbs of produce

Elda & Herb Armstrong are close to exceeding their last year’s total of 471 lbs of beautiful homegrown produce! They’re at 390 pounds donated so far this season, “with more squash and pumpkins on the way,” according to Elda. Stunning dahlia bouquets are always included in their donations! Many thanks, Herb & Elda!!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Diamond Jubilee anniversary and auction a rousing success

Our 75th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary and Auction is in the books! Many thanks to the 200+ people who showed up tonight at the Clearwater Casino Resort. It was great fun!

This event grossed $57,000... and $12,625 of that is for the docks and boat cradles for the Maritime Museum (our goal was $10,000). $27,000 goes to community service projects by the Poulsbo Noon Lions, and $4,000 by the Evening Pride Branch Club Lions.

Many thanks to the Lions, Leos and community members who made this a successful event.

 201 tickets were sold to the event

This is the first time we've hosted the event at the Clearwater Casino Resort. Above are the check-in/check-out tables with Kingston Leos and Evening Pride Lions ready to help.

Lion Mike Alvarado worked selling tickets with princesses.

More children's eyes screened

Our vision team screened another 29 children (aged 8 months to 2 years) at the Port Clallam Early Learning Center Sept. 25. Thank you Steve Calhoun, Karen Reitan, Ann Best and Eric Thanem!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bailey earns blue vest

Norma Bailey has earned her permanent blue Lions vest! Bailey has helped with our projects, including the NKSD pancake breakfast, in addition to attending a variety of meetings. Her sponsor is Lynnea Heerman. Congrats Norma! It's GREAT to be a Poulsbo Lion!!! 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Last chance to be in 63rd annual Birthday Calendar

Last call to be in our 63rd annual Birthday Calendar! You and your family's birthdays and anniversary are printed on the calendar, along with your friends' who have purchased calendars. The week of your birthday or anniversary, you may collect free gifts or discounts at any advertiser offering such. It's fun - especially for kids! Calendars cost $6 each and make wonderful Christmas gifts for your NK friends.

All proceeds go back into the NK community.

Businesses - we have a couple spots available for YOU. Ad size is 1-13/16" x 1-1/8" (just give us a business card and we'll make it work). New ads are $65 or $80 with color.

Please contact Terry TODAY to buy your calendar or to get your ad in our 2018 calendar - (360) 509-8041 or

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Helping stock the food bank shelves

Poulsbo Lions/Rotary Joint Food Drive for Fishline this Friday and Saturday! We'll be at Red Apple, Central Market and Walmart between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., accepting cash and grocery donations for the food bank.
We collected over 6,900 lbs of food during last year's Lions/Rotary Food Drive and over $2,000 in donations.
Even though you don't see the people in need, there are many homeless people and people living from paycheck to paycheck that depend on Fishline for food.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Vision screening at S'klallam ECEAP

The Poulsbo Noon Lions Club did Vision Screening at Port Gamble S’klallam Tribe's Early Childhood Education Program on 9/11. If we identify just one kid that needs further eye testing it is worth it. While we want all children to have perfect vision we know identifying kids with eyesight issues at an early age is a blessing we are happy to offer to North Kitsap schools both private and public.

Participating Lions were Steve Calhoun, Karen Reitan, Ann Best, and Ken Rury.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Lowney receives scholarship

PZC Karl Ostheller presents a scholarship check to Lion Darby Lowney. Darby is a student at the University of Washington. Proceeds from the Poulsbo Lions Viking Fest Pancake Breakfast fund the scholarships. Congratulations Darby!

Starting to garden

Chalk up another 15 pounds of fresh veggies for ShareNet

Here we are in the middle of October and still harvesting veggies from the Firehouse Garden for ShareNet Food Bank. Today we got celery, min...