Thursday, April 11, 2013

Blue vest, new members and a winning berry pie

It was a busy noon lunch meeting for the Poulsbo Lions April 11. Above, sponsoring Lion Lynnea assisted Lion Joe Stenstrom with his new blue vest, which he earned by participating in the Easter Egg Hunt March 30 at Raab Park.
Here are our two newest Lions - Janet Marie Valiga (sponsor: Lion Eric Thanem) and Gwen Woods (sponsor: Lion Jim Stark). They were inducted at today's meeting.
And Lion Elda Armstrong won first-place honors for her Wild Blackberry Pie at Spring Conference. Lions brought desserts, which were first judged, then enjoyed by all April 5.
The scheduled program didn't show up, so Lions Dick, Scott, and Kent brought their bows and arrows to share.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lions Armstrong and Heerman earn Spring Conference awards

Lion Elda Armstrong earned a first place certificate award and gold medal for Best Dessert. She made a wild blackberry pie. To her right is Lion Karl Ostheller.
Lion Lynnea Heerman earned second place and a silver medal for Poulsbo King Lion Ginger Shield's President's Scrapbook.
Congratulations ladies!

Ginny Risley receives Melvin Jones Award

It was a big night at the Lions' Spring Conference at La Quinta Inn in Tacoma when our own Ginny Risley earned the Melvin Jones Award. Looking on are her son and past District Governor David Risley (over her left shoulder), and her husband, Dick.

Lions at Raab Park Easter egg hunt

Poulsbo Lions have been helping with the city's Easter Egg hunt at Raab Park for years. Above, Lions Jim Schoettler, Chuck Weaver and Erika Risley with the hot dogs and soda pop.

It looks like the entire town turned out for the hunt.

Here are a couple of bunnies helping to put out all of the eggs. All photos provided by Lion Lynnea Herrman.

A LEO volunteer with Lion Karl Ostheller.

Three Poulsbo Evening Pride Lions.

A little girl sharing an egg with our club mascot, Leo.

Leo with Poulsbo Mayor Becky Erickson and Miss Washington National Teenager.

Miss Kitsap Krystal Jimenez, Miss Washington ANTRO National Miss,
Leo the Lion (Lion Joe Stenstrom), Miss Poulsbo Makenzie Moody, and Miss Silverdale Jahrielle Davis.