Monday, November 30, 2009

Our twin club in Tanzania

Poulsbo Lions Herb (standing, left) and Elda (next to Herb) exchange banners with our twin club in Tanzania.

Lions Jim and Godwin also visited in November 2009.

Below, the twin club logo designed by Lion Godwin.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Holiday shopping

Lion Dan shops for holiday food baskets at a local grocery store. The Poulsbo Lions have three teams of Lions at three different stores to do the shopping, starting at 7 a.m.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Spaghetti feed successful raising funds

Our club planned a hasty Spaghetti Feed in November to raise funds for a former veteran, Pat Momany, to travel to Germany to cook barbecued food for our troops there. Poulsbo President Mike passes a banner to Pat, along with Lion Karen.

In addition, Lions Dotty and Ginger (along with little Nicolette) were working to sell extra Lions Cookbooks that's been a new fund-raiser for our club.

Click on the link to view a slide show of the Spaghetti Feed. Everyone had a great time! There was even enough spaghetti and salad left for our next lunch meeting!