Wednesday, September 2, 2015

We do amazing things

Right now we have our Annual Birthday Calendars on sale for $6 each. All monies go right back into the NK Community! Also, we're gearing up for our Oct. 10 Dinner Auction. Leave a message if you'd like tickets or have something to donate!

Most recently our King Lion Jim Stark earned a pin from Lions International for sponsoring 2 new members, we had an official visit from our Zone Chair Ginger Shields (also a Poulsbo Lion), we're getting a new Leo Club going at Kingston Middle School, and members of our club passed the hat to give $400 to Fishline Food Bank.

It's GREAT to be a Poulsbo Lion.
We meet every Thursday at noon for a terrific lunch and program. Join us!

Starting to garden

Wright earns president's award

President David Damazo (right) says all of our Lions deserve awards, but Rick Wright is the one receiving one for being an "Extraordina...