Monday, December 1, 2014

Bellringer campaign is underway!

Struggling with gift ideas this holiday season?
Give a donation to the Poulsbo Lions Club - Raab Foundation. It's tax-free and you'll be helping the North Kitsap community.
Just click on the link below to donate. It's that simple!
Thank you!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Martha & Mary gets big check from our club

Poulsbo Lions presented Martha & Mary with a $5,520 check from our 2014 Fall Fling Dinner & Auction, which was in early October. From left to right: Lions President Dennis Peters, Sherri Burch, Pat Burch, Pauline Ostheller, and M&M's Holly Shepherd, administrator of the Health and Rehab Center, and Gary Becker, the center's Director of Nursing.
Martha & Mary was one of our Fund-a-Need organizations, where auction participants simply raised their bid card to donate funds.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Now selling Kitsap Cards for only $25

Get local savings every day at 109 Kitsap businesses! Poulsbo Lions are now selling the 2015 Kitsap Card (which you can start using immediately) for only $25. For each card sold, our club receives $8. Please contact Chuck Weaver for your card: 779-5464.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Awards, new member and visit from district governor

These Poulsbo Lions were presented chevrons for years of service for District Governor John Kirry at our November 6 noon meeting. From left to right: Steve Swann, 30 years; Jay Dahlquist, 10 years; Sandi Dahlquist, 15 years; DG Kirry; Karl Ostheller, 15 years; Charles Peach, 30 years; and Pauline Ostheller, 10 years.

 Poulsbo Lion Steve Calhoun receives The Power of Lions award from DG Kirry. Calhoun was recognized as an outstanding Lion who tends to fly under the radar. He’s been a member for only 9 months and has done more in the name of service than most of our members after five years.

 Our own Poulsbo Lion and C-4 Zone Chairman Pat Burch introduces the district governor at our November 6 lunch meeting.

District Governor John Kirry, left, sits in at our board meeting. Kirry asked us to make our annual donation to Lions Club International designating that it go toward eradicating measles and the Sully Hat competiton.

DG Kirry inducts new Lion Boone Eidsmoe, a senior sales associate at Dahlquist's Fine Jewelry, Ltd., with sponsor Sandi Dahlquist looking on.

Friday, October 31, 2014

A not-so-rare social event: Steak Night!

Photos by Lion Dottie Ridgeway
Our club really enjoys Steak Night in Port Gamble every fall. There was a bit of rain, and a definite chill in the air. Above, Lions John MacDonald and Chuck Weaver cook the steaks on grills on the deck of the Masonic Lodge October 30.

Sonda Tesch with Lions Jay Dahlquist and Dennis Tesch, chatting while waiting for their steaks to cook. Notice the festive Halloween tablecloth, pumpkin and candy!

Helen and her Lion hubby Greg Supancheck shoot the breeze with Lion Sandi Dahlquist.

Everyone digs into their steaks, baked potatoes and salads. It was a fun, social evening - free for those Lions who sold at least 20 of our annual birthday calendars.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A successful vision screening at the library

Thanks to Sharon at the Poulsbo Library for taking a photo of our vision screening Lions at today's screening. We screened 10 individuals, half children and half adults. This was a good session. From left to right: Jim Schoettler, Dottie Ridgeway, Larry Linn and Karen Reitan.
Thanks to Sharon at the Poulsbo Library for taking a photo of our vision screening Lions at today's screening. We screened 10 individuals, half children and half adults. This was a good session. From left to right: Jim Schoettler, Dottie Ridgeway, Larry Linn and Karen Reitan.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Giving The Coffee Oasis a thousand bucks

 Our club presented The Coffee Oasis in Poulsbo with a $1,000 check this morning to continue helping struggling youth in our community.

From left to right: Daniel Frederick, director of community development; Pat Burch, Poulsbo Lion and Zone C-4 chairman; Kayla McAfee, store manager; Dennis Tesch, Poulsbo Lion and club liaison; Mitch Glasser, community development manager; and Poulsbo Lions President Dennis Peters.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fall Fling Dinner & Auction nets $21,000


 We had a beautiful day for our Fall Fling Dinner and Auction Saturday, October 4, at the Sons of Norway. Set-up went smoothly and we even added a car at the last minute. Net revenue to our Lions club will be about $21,000 before expenses.

This 1999 Infinity I30 got detailed and new brakes before the auction. Lion Joe Stenstrom won this beauty for $1,900.

This is a watercolor painting donated by Lion Dick Daugherty.

Here's a look at a place setting, with a bid card, auction catalog and car flyer. We sold 131 tickets - 127 people attended.

Lion Pauline Ostheller with past Zone Chairman Monte Foust and wife (sitting), and Miss Poulsbo with Lion JanetMarie Valiga. A total of 44 Poulsbo Lions were involved - by selling tickets, getting donations, etc.

We exceeded last year's donations to our silent auction. There was something for everybody.

It took quite awhile to see everything on all of the tables.

Our dessert table featured all kinds of homemade goodies.

Lion Karl Ostheller enjoys a plate of hors d'oeuvres.

Ticket sales are good when you have two pretty girls wearing tiaras selling them!

The princesses are joined by Poulsbo Lions Club President Dennis Peters, who is also the dinner and auction chairman, and auctioneer Pat Pearson.
Washington Tractor generously donated this pedal tractor and wagon to our live auction.

A spokeswoman for Martha & Mary, one of our Fund-a-Need organizations, explained the need for automatic electronic defibrillators (AED). Bid cards were raised to the tune of $5,520.

It's impossible to get the entire room in one photo. We had a wonderful turnout, excellent food, and great donations with proceeds that will help out a variety of community organizations.
Karen spoke about our second Fund-a-Need organization, the NK Boys and Girls Club. Bid cards went up for more than $4,000 towards the club's computer needs.

People were already starting to check out during the live auction.
Raised bid cards is a beautiful sight.

Everyone had a great evening with friends. (All photos courtesy of Dottie Ridgeway.)


Monday, September 22, 2014

Auction elves finish their work!

Lions Dottie Ridgeway and Candy Peters put the finishing touches on many gift baskets that will be in the Fall Fling Dinner & Auction Saturday, October 4, at the Sons of Norway.
President Dennis Peters can barely walk around his house with all of the auction goodies. Tickets are available NOW for only $40 apiece. Please contact a Poulsbo Lion to get yours today. (Photos courtesy of Dennis Peters)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Remembering Lloyd Brown

Sharing a photo from Lloyd Brown's memorial service this past weekend. Photo courtesy of Pat Burch, zone chairman MD19 C-4

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Stark receives membership growth pin from LCI

Congrats to Lion Jim Stark, who received the Silver Membership Growth Award Pin from Lions Clubs International for successfully inviting a new member to join our club in April.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

$1,000 for Kilo

Photo courtesy of Charles Foster

Police Office Nick Hoke is shown here with the PD's new narcotics dog, Kilo. Our club donated $1,000 toward Kilo (money from our first dinner and auction in September 2013). We're looking for your support for this year's Fall Fling Dinner & Auction, which is October 4 at the Sons of Norway. If you can be a sponsor ($100-$500 levels), donate items or gift certificates, or even just buy a $40 ticket, please contact President Dennis Peters at Thank you!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Saying goodbye to Lloyd

Photo by Terry Blais
 It is with great sadness that Lloyd D. Brown passed away Sept. 5 at the Hospice of Kitsap County Care Center in Bremerton at the age of 90. He was born on April 10, 1924. Family and friends are respectfully invited to attend the memorial service on Saturday, Sept. 20, at 11 a.m. at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church on Bainbridge Island.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

New past president pin tradition

Immediate past president Pat Burch (left) receives Lloyd Brown's much larger past president pin from President Dennis Peters at our September 4 lunch meeting. The engraved pin will be passed from past president to immediate past president each year.

Chapman earns blue vest

Lion Dwane Chapman (left) gives a huge smile and handshake to his sponsor, Lion Chuck Weaver, at our lunch meeting on September 4. Chapman fulfilled all of the new member requirements to earn his blue vest. Congrats Dwane!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Recognizing our flag program

Many thanks to the handful of Poulsbo Lions who set up and took down the flags for Labor Day. They're always spectacular! The next set-up is September 11.
A group of dedicated Lions set up and take down the flags on numerous holidays in downtown Poulsbo, as well as along Viking Avenue. They really make our city shine!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Health screening van a hit at Touch a Truck event

Our club had the Lions health screening unit at Poulsbo Village Shopping Center August 23, and screened eyes, ears, took blood pressures and blood sugar readings. Above, Lions JanetMarie Valiga with Leo the Lion (Joe) and Pauline Ostheller.

Every year, kids and their families flock to the Poulsbo Village Shopping Center to sit in trucks, climb into a bus and on other equipment, honk horns and sit in police cars and ambulances.
Lion Ginger Shields (left) chaired this year's Touch a Truck committee for our Poulsbo Lions Club. She was helped by Lion Lynnea Herrman (far right).
Other Poulsbo Lions helping out (from right) included Jim Schoettler, Larry Linn, and Steve Calhoun.
Above, Lions Larry and Jim chat with Lynnea looking on. (All photos courtesy of Pat Burch.)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Putting on a picnic at Camp Leo

 A handful of vehicles filled with Poulsbo Lions journeyed more than a couple of hours toward Mt. Rainier to put on a picnic for Camp Leo middle schoolers and their families Friday, August 1 at Buck Creek Recreational Area.
Here's a view of the camp as you walk up from the parking area.
The camp offers everything from a zip line and archery, to arts and crafts and a swimming pool, to hiking paths and more for diabetic kids from elementary school to high school.
The entire back of Lion Chuck Weaver's van was filled with chips, hot dog buns, hot dogs, condiments and the cooking elements. Another vehicle filled with Lions came up with the watermelons, and yet another vehicle came up with the salad fixings. The fourth Lions' vehicle was simply filled with warm bodies.
Lion Chuck set up a cooking element with two huge metal pots of boiling water for the huge Costco hot dogs. We also had tofu dogs as a vegetarian option, along with gluten-free buns.
As Chuck (background) cooked the hot dogs, Terry Blais (taking the photo) would put them in the buns and wrap them in foil. Larry Linn not only kept the hot dogs and buns coming, he also packed the hot dogs in coolers and boxes and moved them to the serving table.

Lions Sherri Burch, Joyce Smith and Greg Supanchek chat, while Pat Burch carries in a couple of chairs.
Joyce, Sherri and Pauline Ostheller prepped the salad and chips tables. Salads and veggies were popular with everyone.
Lions Steve Calhoun and Frank Lawson cut up watermelon for the campers.
There were 89 middle school campers and their families, plus staff members, for a total of around 200 people served. 

Campers and their families, as well as staff members, grabbed their food and plopped down on the grass to eat, or just stood around talking with food in hand. Lion Dick Risley is on the far right.

Lion Dave Risley enjoys a hot dog.
Once past the food tables, everyone could put everything from ketchup and mustard, to relish and onions on their hot dogs. The camp provided water and Crystal Light as refreshments.

Lion Pauline stands on a bridge over White River. Her hubby, Lion Karl, was also at Camp Leo all day, but not pictured.

Starting to garden

Wright earns president's award

President David Damazo (right) says all of our Lions deserve awards, but Rick Wright is the one receiving one for being an "Extraordina...