Friday, April 28, 2023

Blue Water provides fishing worms once again


Thanks to Dan from Blue Water for donating great worms for our fishing derby! Dan has supported our Poulsbo Lions with worms for at least three years now. It's wonderful - and those worms definitely get some big trout!

Our fishing derby is 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow (Sat., April 28) and is free for kids aged 12 and under. Bring what fishing gear you have. We will have poles and other items to borrow. #fishingderby #300lbsfish #kidsfishing #poulsbolions #WeServe


Thursday, April 27, 2023

Another 19 kids get their vision screened

 Our fabulous vision screening team went to the Gateway Learning Preschool this week to screen 19 children. The good news is that only one child needed referred on for further care. Thanks to Lions Steve Calhoun, Laurie Carson, Elda Armstrong and Karen Reitan! #visionscreening #kidssight #poulsbolions #weserve


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Fishing pond clean-up in time for kids' fishing derby Saturday


Poulsbo Lions (Scott Puhn, Tom Settle, Dennis Deitch, Rick Wright, Lee Metcalf) turned out at the horticulture pond to trim brush and pull out weeds so when kids show up to fish Saturday hopefully their lines won't get tangled!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Sponsors sought for Lions Viking Fest pancake breakfast

You're invited to Poulsbo Lions Viking Fest Pancake Breakfast May 20 and 21 at North Kitsap High School. Currently, we're seeking sponsors at 3 levels - $500 Gold Level (8 free breakfasts), $250 Silver (4 free breakfasts) and $100 Bronze Level. All sponsors will get their names on the tables at the breakfast, as well as on our social media. Please call Dennis Deitch at (360) 271-1590. #pbsponsors #scholarshipbreakfast #poulsbolions #WeServe


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Loads of Change serves 48 people

Poulsbo Lions spent $624.50 ($37.75 donations) Wednesday helping 48 people wash 100 loads of laundry and dry 110 loads during our monthly Loads of Change. #loadsofchange #poulsbolions #WeServe #cleanlaundry

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Vintage playground lions available to purchase



Is anyone interested in a couple of vintage playground spring Lions? Our club has 2 available that are most likely from the 1980s, manufactured by Miracle Recreation. One member said the paint job was refreshed by a local auto body business in the 1990s. These were removed from Lions Park when we built the new playground there in 2000. We've been storing the Lions for decades and would rather have money to put back into the community! If you're interested, please send your offer to Thanks!


Monday, April 17, 2023

Emalee Burgh named Leo of the Year

Emalee Burgh, a student at North Kitsap High, is our Multiple District 19 Leo of the Year! She earned the award at the District Convention April 15.
Eleven LEOs (7 high school and 4 middle school) turned out for the convention and put on a seminar. These are some of our best and brightest! #leosrock #leooftheyear #nkhsleo #poulsbolions #weserve


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ostheller earns Lions of the Year for C4 zone honor


Written by Past District Governor Patrick Burch
Past Zone Chair Karl Ostheller is what we would like all Lions to be: Inspired, dedicated, actively involved, strong leader and all around nice guy. Karl lives the motto, “We Serve”.
Lion Karl can always be found involved in, or organizing, a Lions event. He continues to mentor our Leos in the North Kitsap clubs. He has been instrumental in guiding the North Kitsap Leo Club to qualify for the Leo Club Excellence Award - FOUR times they have received this prestigious LCI Award. After studying the newly revised award criteria, Lion Karl has developed an action plan to include these new changes, ensuring another award for the club. Including a donation to LCIF. As District 19C Peace Poster Chair, he involved the North Kitsap Middle School Leos in this project. Over
80 were submitted, with one being selected from district nominations to be included in Multiple District 19 judging.
Karl answered the plea for collecting teddy bears for Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital over the holidays. Leo Clubs set up donation sites at their schools. Poulsbo Lions collected bears at club meetings, including our Christmas party. 93 bears were collected. Karl is now working on collecting additional bears.
Poulsbo Fish Park planning and maintenance, salmon viewing information center, Poulsbo Parks and Recreation events including the Easter Egg Hunt, cemetery upkeep and food bank collections are a few of the additional activities Lion Karl are involved in. Many involving our Leos.
It is a distinct honor to nominate PZC Karl Osteheller for the 2022-23 Zone C-4 Leo of the Year Award.
Edited to add: Karl also took first place for his brochure and for his action photo of our Lions building the Fish Park viewing platform. Terry Blais took second place for her club scrapbook.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Special thanks to tom and Rose for donated apple wood

Poulsbo Lions found someone willing to donate apple wood! Thanks so much, Tom and Rose!
We're so grateful to this couple in Central Washington for donating apple wood for our Viking Fest booth, which is featuring smoked turkey legs and frozen bananas May 19-21!

Friday, April 7, 2023

Time to shred old tax and health documents

 Shred old tax documents and health records Saturday, April 8, from 9 am to 1 pm at Poulsbo Village Shopping Center off of Hwy 305 for $1/pound cash or credit. The event is sponsored by Poulsbo Lions Evening Pride Branch.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

DeArton earns club blue vest


Congrats to our newest Poulsbo Lion Kim DeArton on earning her blue vest today! DeArton checked off her last requirement - attending a board meeting - this morning. #bluevest #newLion #poulsbolion #WeServe

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Poulsbo Lions clean up Viking Way

 Viking Way looks litter free thanks to this group of Poulsbo Lions hitting the road for an hour - Pat and Sherri, Dori, Steve, Sylvie (volunteer) and Terry. #vikingway #littercleanup #poulsbolions #weserve

Volunteer Sylvie Blais

Lion Steve Calhoun

Lions Pat and Sherri Burch, Steve Calhoun, Sylvie and Terry Blais and Dori Swokowski


Monday, April 3, 2023

Is that orca trying to eat the seagull?

This beautiful photo was taken by Noelle Morris and is featured on the month of April in our 2023 NK Photo Calendar. We're currently accepting photos for our 2024 calendar. Send as many photos as you like to

April is Leo Club Awareness Month

Where there's a need, there's a LEO! April is Leo Club Awareness Month, and we're celebrating how Leos embody the power of action and partnership. Thank you, Leos, for your energy, innovation and passion to serve!

We have 4 amazing LEO clubs in North Kitsap - NK and Kingston high schools, and Poulsbo and Kingston middle schools! These students do everything from blood drives to collecting food for the hungry.  #LoudAndProudLEO  #LEOsrock #studentpower #poulsbolions #WeServe