Written by Past District Governor Patrick Burch
Past Zone Chair Karl Ostheller is what we would like all Lions to be: Inspired, dedicated, actively involved, strong leader and all around nice guy. Karl lives the motto, “We Serve”.
Lion Karl can always be found involved in, or organizing, a Lions event. He continues to mentor our Leos in the North Kitsap clubs. He has been instrumental in guiding the North Kitsap Leo Club to qualify for the Leo Club Excellence Award - FOUR times they have received this prestigious LCI Award. After studying the newly revised award criteria, Lion Karl has developed an action plan to include these new changes, ensuring another award for the club. Including a donation to LCIF. As District 19C Peace Poster Chair, he involved the North Kitsap Middle School Leos in this project. Over
80 were submitted, with one being selected from district nominations to be included in Multiple District 19 judging.
Karl answered the plea for collecting teddy bears for Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital over the holidays. Leo Clubs set up donation sites at their schools. Poulsbo Lions collected bears at club meetings, including our Christmas party. 93 bears were collected. Karl is now working on collecting additional bears.
Poulsbo Fish Park planning and maintenance, salmon viewing information center, Poulsbo Parks and Recreation events including the Easter Egg Hunt, cemetery upkeep and food bank collections are a few of the additional activities Lion Karl are involved in. Many involving our Leos.
It is a distinct honor to nominate PZC Karl Osteheller for the 2022-23 Zone C-4 Leo of the Year Award.
Edited to add: Karl also took first place for his brochure and for his action photo of our Lions building the Fish Park viewing platform. Terry Blais took second place for her club scrapbook.