Thursday, December 2, 2021

Leos, Lions contribute 90 teddy bears to kids with cancer


Lion Larry Linn took charge of collecting new teddy bears for children in the cancer ward at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital. Kingston High and North Kitsap High LEOs each added a dozen bears to make the total 90! The project is sponsored by Jim and Dee McDermott of the Olympia Host Club. Lion Pat Burch will deliver the teddy bears Dec. 8.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Welcoming a new Lion

We're happy to welcome our newest Poulsbo Lion, Gil Williams of Poulsbo, who was inducted at today's meeting. His sponsor is Greg Supancheck. Gil is retired from the Navy, and retired from civil service in October 2021. He is currently a substitute teacher.


Bellringer starts with $1,100

 So far we've collected $1,100 to kick off our annual Bellringer Fund! Our goal is $25,000, which goes right back into the North Kitsap community. If you'd like to contribute, please click the Donate button in the right column.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Poulsbo Lions Bellringer Fund 2021 is underway!


In the mid 1940’s the Bellringer Fund was started by Frank and Mabel Raab. Frank was a charter member of the Poulsbo Lions Club and challenged the club and North Kitsap community to help those families in need during the Christmas holiday. The proceeds of the fund drive were used by the Lions Club to purchase food and gifts for families in need. Members of the Lions Club then distributed these items.

The Herald helped with the challenge by publishing the donations and followed the actions of the Lions. Local churches and similar organizations provided the lists of families. The fund drive has run uninterrupted since.
As time passed the fund drive was able to raise significant funds and in one year raised over $35,000.
Last year despite the Covid-19 pandemic the fund raised over $17,000. The goal for this year is $25,000.
The Lions Club, while still sponsoring the drive, no longer distributes food and gifts but rather distributes the funds to Fishline, ShareNet, St. Vincent DePaul and Coffee Oasis.
To make a donation it can be mailed to: Lions Club Bellringer Fund, P.O. Box 1244, Poulsbo, WA 98370 or by selecting the donate button in the right side column. All donations are tax deductible.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Lions and LEOs help at Salmon Days

Steve Calhoun and Karl Ostheller provided a Poulsbo Lions information booth at Salmon Days in Fish Park on Saturday, November 6. We were assisted by 6 LEOs who helped set up and take down. We had lots of visuals of Lions in action and provided a Poulsbo Lions brochure for whomever was interested in seeing what Lions are all about.


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Come to a meeting!

Lions Pat Osler and King Lion Dennis Deitch

Poulsbo Noon Lions are now meeting at Vinland Lutheran Church in the Sanctuary, off Finn Hill Road in Poulsbo. The time is the same as always - 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. We have a program and lunch. We're trying to order sub sandwiches, but you need to sign up the week before. You can always bring your own lunch. Coffee and water are available.

First-time shredder event underway

Come out and enjoy spring cleaning with us! Come shred your documents while supporting a great group dedicated to community service!


Laundry help coming up Wednesday, Aug. 18


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Annual club picnic Aug. 12

It's time for the Poulsbo Lions Club picnic at Nelson Park on Aug. 12 at 5 p.m.

Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided, as will soft drinks. The rest of the meal is potluck. Plan to bring a salad, dessert or other side dish. With any luck, Lion Dick Prine will get corn on the cob from Central Market.

Email Sandi Dahlquist at is you'd like to go and haven't been to a meeting lately. We need a head count for shopping purposes (thanks to Dennis Deitch for volunteering as shopper!).

Sunday, August 1, 2021

This is the month to contribute to Reliable Storage food drive for Fishline!

From now to August 31st, Reliable Storage is holding a Food Drive at both their Kingston and Poulsbo locations.
We want to thank Reliable Storage for their support to Fishline's mission and our community's needs! For more information on Reliable Storage, follow the link:


Saturday, July 24, 2021

Kindness Matters

Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships and improving the world through kindness. It’s 1.4 million caring men and women serving together so they can make a lasting impact and change more lives.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Thanks for serving!

Kicking off the new year with cake and celebrating the outgoing president of the Poulsbo Evening Pride Lions!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Come to a meeting!

You're welcome to attend a meeting to see what we're about! We meet Thursdays from noon to 1:15 pm in the Sanctuary at Vinland Lutheran Church off of Finn Hill Road.Bring a lunch if you wish. Coffee and water is provided. Hope to see you there!



Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Congrats scholarship recipients

Congrats to a handful of our Poulsbo Noon Lions Club scholarship recipients! These students are outstanding. From left: Lion Nate Blanchard, Treason Gleich, Ryan Gleich, Michael Hammett and Nara Deller.

Aranya Kitnikone gets her scholarship from Lion Karl.

Senior Megan Turner received her scholarship from our chairman, Karl Ostheller.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Feeding quarters into the machines

 Regan Vincent, 14, helps feed a washing machine with quarters during our Lions' Loads of Change at the Village Laundromat the third Wednesday of every month, from 2-6 p.m.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Zone picnic is Elda's last hurrah

                            District C 2nd Vice President Lisa Ikeda and Zone Chair Elda Armstrong

Zone Chair Elda Armstrong hosted the Zone C4 picnic at her home, with approximately 36 Lions and their guests showing up. Attending were Council Chair Al Hedstrom, three past district governors - Ida Malone, David Risley and Pat Burch - Lisa Ikeda, second vice district governor, and incoming zone chair, Bob Theal. Elda will hand over the zone to Bob at the Banner Passing July 17 at David Risley's home.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

NK Superintendent is our program today

We meet today at noon at Vinland Lutheran Church on Finn Hill in the Sanctuary. Bring your own lunch. The program is our nonprofit arm - Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation - with our program the superintendent of the NK School District, Laurynn Evans. Coffee and water are available.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Schedule time to donate blood

Schedule your appointment to donate blood May 22-June 5 for the NK Leos blood drive at or call 1-800-398-7888. Finally, email Stephen Nolet with your appointment time and date to get Leo donor code 6548. Donations go to Leo Club ASB account.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Clean laundry day!

 Today is laundry day! 2-6 pm only at The Village Laundromat. Donations of detergent, fabric softener, snacks, water, cash always appreciated!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Building an observation platform at Fish Park

 Our Poulsbo Lions built a new observation platform at Fish Park Saturday. The crew included Dick Prine, Tom Settle, Scott Puhn and his ATV, Rick Wright, Steve Calhoun, Pat Osler, John MacDonald, Kent Lord, and Larry Linn. Karl Ostheller took these photos from beginning to end. The finished platform and bench are in the comments.

                                 Lion Scott Puhn on an ATV hauling supplies.

Lions Kent Lord, Dick Prine, Scott Puhn, and Steve Calhoun

Lions Tom Settle, Steve Calhoun, Rick Wright and Scott Puhn

Tom Settle in a hole.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Work has begun on new observation platform at Fish Park

 Lions have started an observation platform at Fish Park. More work parties to follow!


Steve Calhoun

Tom Settle

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Thanks for coming to our fishing derby!

 Another successful fishing derby is in the books. Thanks to all for coming!


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Monday, April 12, 2021

Fishing derby is a go!

 Our Fishing Derby is ON for May 1 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.! This event is free for kids up to age 12. Bring a fishing pole if you have it. The Lions have some poles to lend, and will help with bait, bobbers, hooks and even clean any fish caught! Masks are required as this is at the Horticulture Pond by Poulsbo Middle School.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Tulips bring in beautiful funds for community help

 Many thanks to Valley Nursery and YOU for supporting our first potted tulips sale! We sold 503 potted tulips and raised approximately $4,000 to put back into the NK community and the tulips are GORGEOUS. Please support Valley Nursery. It truly made a difference.



Monday, April 5, 2021

More eyeglasses collected, cleaned and donated

 Lions Karl and Pauline Ostheller dropped off 577 pair of eyeglasses to LERC last week. These used glasses will be read, washed and sent to other countries where they'll be put to good use.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

District governor hands out kindness awards

 District Governor Donna Murr (center) visited our club today and gave kindness awards to Steve Calhoun and Elda Armstrong (also our zone chair). Congrats to these wonderful Lions!



Starting to garden

Chalk up another 15 pounds of fresh veggies for ShareNet

Here we are in the middle of October and still harvesting veggies from the Firehouse Garden for ShareNet Food Bank. Today we got celery, min...