Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ostheller brings in new Leo to Lion Ashley Jayroe

Welcome to our newest Leo-to-Lion Ashley Jayroe, age 18. Ashley is a North Kitsap High Leo and a Running Start student who will earn her associate of art degree this spring. We're proud to have her as a Poulsbo Lion!

Ashley has helped collect on White Cane Days and participated on other projects as a Leo. Her sponsor is Karl Ostheller.

More helped with Loads of Change laundry service

Our December Loads of Change helped 7 low- and no-income people Wednesday to the tune of $111.50. The January Loads of Change is set for Jan. 23 from 2-6 pm, so please spread the word! Our Poulsbo Lions Club will continue offering free laundromat services as long as our budget allows. Many thanks to Lion Carol Ryan, Terry Blais and Eric Blais for feeding quarters into the machines. And to the woman who stopped by and donated plastic bins, which were all taken with gratitude.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Leos sweeten tree lighting festival

13 LEOs from Kingston middle and high schools and North Kitsap High showed up to be elves and hand out cookies and hot chocolate at the Kingston Christmas Tree Lighting festival on Saturday, Dec. 1. Lion Karl Ostheller shared his photos.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Fall vision screening tops 268 kids

Our fabulous vision screening team (13 Poulsbo Noon Lions and 2 Evening Pride) screened the sight of 268 kids over 12 dates this fall alone! 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Our Bellringer Fund is underway with $3,000

Our annual Bellringer Fund started last week and we've already had $3,000 donated! It's a great start... but the need is high. Please donate! You can drop off $ at The Herald office, or mail to Poulsbo Lions, POB 1244, Poulsbo, WA 98370. Thanks!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Mason-Todd takes club and district peace poster wins

Congrats to Peace Poster winner Wren Mason-Todd, who earned top honors not only from our club, but our district as well! Wren received two $50 gift cards from our Leo liaison Karl Ostheller.

EP's Phillips receives pin as sponsor

Congrats to Marian Phillips (center) on sponsoring Judi Taylor (left). Evening Pride Branch Club President Joyce Smith presented Marian with a pin and certificate Thursday evening.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Branch club wraps up $66 on first date, next one is Dec. 13

 'Tis the season! Evening Pride Branch Club members are wrapping Christmas presents Dec. 5 and 13 at Barnes & Noble in Silverdale. The club earned $66 from their Dec. 5 outing. They'll be available to wrap your gifts from 10-8 p.m. Dec. 13.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Leos share Christmas cheer

13 LEOs from Kingston middle and high schools and North Kitsap High showed up to be elves and hand out cookies and hot chocolate at the Kingston Christmas Tree Lighting festival on Saturday, Dec. 1. Lion Karl Ostheller shared his photos.

Friday, November 30, 2018

32 more preschoolers get their vision screened

Our vision screeners were at it again Nov. 26 and 27 when they screened the sight of 32 kids at Ridgetop Lutheran Preschool. Many thanks to Lions Steve Cahoun, Sherri Burch, Carol Ryan, Dottie Ridgeway, Candy Peters, Dori Swokowski and Karen Reitan!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018

Lots of trees being planted this weekend

NK third-graders receive free dictionaries

Did you know our Poulsbo Evening Pride Branch Club gives all of the 3rd graders in North Kitsap a free dictionary? Kids love it. Here are just a few of their thank-you cards.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Screeners receive thanks from Suquamish early learning centers

Women from Suquamish and Little Boston Early Learning Centers brought gift bags to some of our vision screeners, who saw 180 kids in early October. As a result of the visit, they bought their own screening machine and we're teaching them how to use it. Lions from left to right: President Steve Calhoun, Sherri Burch (middle), Karen Reitan and Pauline Ostheller. The bags say "Thank you for helping us 'see' how awesome you are!"

KMS Leo receives peace poster award; Ostheller honored too

Lion Karl Ostheller presented a certificate and gift card to Kingston Middle School student Sophia Brown at Thursday's meeting. Sophia created the winning Peace Poster for her school. Then KMS art teacher Diane Stewart presented Karl with a certificate! He's the go-to guy for all of the Leo Clubs in North Kitsap.

Congrats to KMS student Sophia Brown for winning the Peace Poster contest for her school! Lion Karl Ostheller holds her $50 gift card prize at yesterday's meeting. Sophia was there with her dad.

KMS art teacher Diane Stewart prepared a speech and certificate to thank Lion Karl for all that he does for the Leos and Peace Poster contest. He's the best!


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

First year of Firehouse Garden nets 400+ pounds of veggies

More than 400 lbs of veggies went to Sharenet from Evening Pride Branch Club's Firehouse Garden in its first season. All but one of the raised beds has been winterized. The lone bed has been planted with garlic. Sharenet could also use warm jackets!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Newest Lion receives blue vest; Settle receives Diamond Centennial Award

Fun gathering today! Our newest member, Kelley Vincent, has already earned her blue vest and Tom Settle earned a Diamond Centennial Award pin for Lions he's sponsored over the years. Also, our own Linda Schwind was our program - she spoke on women veterans (we have several in our club!).

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Branch club raises $90 with paint & sip

Evening Pride Branch Club raised $90 with a Nov. 6 paint & sip function at The Slippery Pig. Participants got to paint this fall scene on a wine glass while enjoying a beverage!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Lions provide info at Salmon Viewing Days

Lion Karl Ostheller manned a table for our Poulsbo club at Salmon Viewing Days at Fish Park November 3. President Steve Calhoun was with him (he took the photo!).

Sunday, November 4, 2018

$525 netted for pediatric cancer fund-raiser

Lion Ginger Shields served pancakes at the Applebee's breakfast fund-raiser for pediatric cancer Nov. 3. $525 was raised.

1st vice District Governor Pat Burch with wife, Sherri and Zone Chair Marjie standing together for childhood cancer "family support", District Governor's Sharon Sikes signature project.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Vincent is our newest Lion

Welcome to Kelley Vincent, our newest Lion and a student at Olympic College! She was a North Kitsap High Leo back when Jim Stark was the advisor too.

Leos gather items for food bank on Halloween

North Kitsap High Leos Tammy, Aranya, Levi and Tim collected for Fishline on Halloween this year.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Foundation donates $2k to pediatric cancer fun

Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation Directors donated $2,000 to the District 19C Childhood Cancer Fund of Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital. This family assistance fund helps with the financial burden while their child is hospitalized fighting cancer. 1VDG Pat Burch accepted the donation from Directors John Macdonald, Dennis Tesch, Terry Blais, Larry Linn and Roger Sherrard.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

7 bags of trash picked up on Viking Avenue

Nine Poulsbo Noon Lions met at Fish Park to pick up litter along Viking Avenue, which we do twice a year. Helping out today were (l to r): Jim Shields, Sherri Burch, Andy Hento, Carol Ryan, Ginger Shields, Larry Linn, and not pictured, Pat Osler, Dori Swokowski and Terry Blais.

Lions Larry Linn and Andy Hento working their way down Viking Avenue.

Carol Ryan scored BIG for the day with two Depends and two condoms (one new in the package!).

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

New service project starts to help low- and no-income people with laundry

This is a new program we're starting to help those who are low-income or no-income with cleaning their laundry. We're starting with a 5-hour trial run Oct. 24. Please get the word out! We hope to do this on a monthly basis, as long as we have the funds. 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

$100 goes a long way....

Today, 253M individuals are blind or visually impaired? LCIF's Campaign 100 will lead the world in establishing and strengthening comprehensive eye care institutions and systems through capital expansions, equipment provisioning and human resource training. 

Peace posters, apple sales, blood drives on Leos' list of things to do

Did you know we have the student version of Lions Clubs at our middle schools and high schools?

These Leo Clubs are off to a great start this fall. North Kitsap High had 35 kids turn out at its first meeting Sept. 13. The new advisor is Shannon Singleton. At Kingston High, 22 kids turned out at the first meeting Sept. 11. Lion Karl Ostheller is the advisor with help from KHS teacher Kim Smith. Kate Ebert is the advisor again at Poulsbo Middle School, where 38 kids turned out. They're already starting work on "Kindness Matters" Peace Posters. And at Kingston Middle School, Stephanie Robinson is the advisor. That club will start this month.

These kids have plans for a fall blood drive, anti-bullying and Kindness Matters posters, stuffing dental gift bags, working at Centennial Park and Fish Park, and trick-or-treating for the food bank. NKHS Leos just finished their first fund-raiser - they sold 32 boxes of Fuji apples, clearing $320!

Friday, October 5, 2018

180 kids screened at Early Learning Centers

180 preschool children from Little Boston and Suquamish Early Learning Centers had their vision screened over two days last week by our wonderful crew: Ann Best, Karen Reitan, Dori Swokowski, Sherri Burch, Pauline Ostheller, Carol Ryan, Elda Armstrong and Steve Calhoun.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

NK School District's Rachel Davenport joins Poulsbo Noon Lions

Welcome Rachel Davenport as our newest Poulsbo Lion! She was inducted at today's meeting. Rachel works for the North Kitsap School District and was sponsored by Linda Schwind.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Another 7 pounds of veggies delivered to Sharenet

7 lbs of veggies were delivered to Sharenet today from Evening Pride Branch Club's Firehouse Garden. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Fuji apple sales benefit NKHS Leos

The deadline is Thursday to get 40 lbs of Fuji apples for $40. This is a NKHS Leo Club fund-raiser. The Leos get $10 from each box! Leave a message here if you'd like to order a box.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Wolfle Elementary student receives new braille tablet from Noon Club

We're thrilled to pay for a Braille tablet for an elementary school student in North Kitsap! President Steve Calhoun presented Emily Batchelor of Hansville with a check for $5,495 for the tablet at our Sept. 13 meeting. Mel Knittel, right, is the secretary/treasurer of Kitsap Lions Low Vision Support Group, which gave $2,000 toward the tablet. Poulsbo Noon Lions contributed $3,495.

"This will open all kinds of doors for her," Emily said. The tablet will receive emails, read them to the girl... she can write and use spell check, etc. It will last throughout the girl's K-12 school years.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Joint Lions/Rotary Food Drive off to a great start

Leo the Lion, aka Ginger Shields, and her hubby Jim took on a 2-hour shift at Central Market for the Joint Lions/Rotary Food Drive to benefit Fishline Sept. 14. Lions and Rotarians (as well as Leos and Interact students) volunteered in 2-hour shifts at Central Market, Walmart and Red Apple till 5 pm today, and finish up tomorrow at 5 pm.

Updated Sept. 20: 9,099 lbs of food was collected, as well as $3,466. Both totals are higher than last year! Thank you so much.