Saturday, August 10, 2024

116 pounds of veggies delivered to ShareNet

116 lbs of fresh veggies (chard, squash and cucumbers) have been delivered to ShareNet Food Bank this past week. The Firehouse Garden will have many more pounds of veggies coming up - from onions and tomatoes to bell peppers and more!

Volunteers are needed to help keep the weeds under control, and to harvest and deliver veggies to ShareNet on Tuesdays and Fridays in Kingston between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If interested, please contact Rob Ratcliff or David Risley.

#ShareNet #freshveggies #feedthehungry #poulsbolions #poulsbowa #kingstonwa #firehousegarden #communityproject

Starting to garden

Laundry day is this Wednesday for NK unhoused

Only two more sleeps until laundry day at the Village Laundromat for North Kitsap's unhoused and needy. Last load of wash should be in b...