Friday, August 30, 2024

Corn hole champs rise to glory at annual club picnic

We have the corn hole champs! Lions Emilee Burgh and Karl Ostheller (3rd and 4th from left) teamed up to beat out others at our annual club picnic at Nelson Park Thursday evening.
LEOs Dagny, Kathryn, and Max showed up at the picnic and ran the cornhole game.
Appoximately 50 Lions and Leos and their families came to enjoy a wide variety of food and the games. Tom Settle's homemade vanilla ice cream was a favorite dessert.

One of our newer Lions, Mick Gilchrist, cooks the burgers.

Dick and Linda Prine

Dick Prine, Beth Olsen, Pat Osler and Sandi Dahlquist

Larry Linn

Lions Pat Burch and Dennis Deitch (front), and Pat Osler and Scott Puhn (right)