District Governor Patrick Burch (left)
presented chevrons to President Terry Blais (25 years), Steve Swann (35
years), Zone Chairman Elda Armstrong (15), and Karl (20) and Pauline
Ostheller (15 years) for their many years in Lions.
Lions is kindness in action. When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s an incredible feeling for everyone involved. Poulsbo Lions are going on 82 years strong! From Vision Screening to Flags and Laundry to Growing Veggies, We Serve the North Kitsap Community. Contact us at Poulsbolions@gmail.com or PoulsboEPLions@gmail.com. Our website is poulsbolions.org.
Starting to garden
Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation Bellringer Fund kicks off
We're kicking off our Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation Bellringer Fund for the holiday season, with a goal of $25,000. The fund helps fiv...
Welcome Rachel Davenport as our newest Poulsbo Lion! She was inducted at today's meeting. Rachel works for the North Kitsap Scho...
Pick a Poulsbo club - Evening Pride Branch Club meets at 7 pm the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month in the Gallagher Building at St...