Thursday, March 17, 2022

LERC receives 1,100 pairs from us


Lion Karl Ostheller drove 1,100 pairs of eyeglasses to the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (LERC) for processing. There, the glasses are sorted to determine those that are usable or unusable, processed, and placed in inventory for distribution to optical missions around the world. Lions help to minimize landfill waste by supporting precious metal reclamation and scrap processing for damaged glasses that are unusable.

Here are areas where you can drop off old/unused glasses in Poulsbo: 
Fishline Food Bank, Viking Avenue
NK Fishline, Viking Avenue
Pacific Eye Care, 20669 Bond Rd NE
Poulsbo Eyecare Center, 19220 8th Ave NE
Poulsbo Library, 700 NE Lincoln Way
Walmart, 21200 Olhava Way NE
Safeway, 8196 NE State Hwy 104
20-20 Eyecare, 25989 Barber Cut-off Rd
Bainbridge Island:
Ace Hardware, 635 High School Rd
Bainbridge Eye Physicians, 931 Hildebrand Ln NE