Thursday, January 31, 2019

Noon Lions give money, blue vest and milestone awards

Ida Courier, vice president for St. Vincent de Paul's, and Mike Deascentiis accept a $5,000 check from John Macdonald, who represents our Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation Bellringer Fund.

Deascentiis said they served 71 clients (14 new) and helped with everything from power bills and rent to gas cards and nights in a hotel. St. Vincent also puts together Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, as well as almost $1,500 in bus tokens.

St. Vincent de Paul will be celebrating 100 years in 2019!


Lion Diane Mayda was so happy to receive her blue vest today, especially with sponsor Kent Lord at her side.

 1st Vice District Governor Pat Burch congratulates Dick Prine on 35 years in Lions.

 June Cotner received a letter and chevron recognizing her 10 years in Lions, from 1st Vice District Governor Pat Burch.