Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We have our own stretch of highway

Photo by Lion Lynnea Herrman
Poulsbo Lions President Pat Burch and his wife, Lion Sherri, turn out for the first highway litter pick-up Friday, Sept. 6, in the rain. Lion Sherri heads the effort.

Photo by Lion Jim Stark
Six Lions showed up to help: Joe Stenstrom, Sherri and Pat Burch, Matt Alvarado, Jim Stark (not pictured),and club photographer Lynnea Heerman.

Photo by Lion Lynnea Heerman
Anybody need a bumper?

Photo by Lynnea Heerman
There were some rather large pieces of debris on Highway 3, including an Adopt a Highway sign. Our club will picker up litter once a quarter to help keep our highways clean.