Friday, September 21, 2012

Two new Melvin Jones fellows named at 70th anniversary party

District Governor David Risley (above) and Dale Anderson (below with wife Bev), a Poulsbo Lions Club member for more than 40 years, were honored by Lion Elda Armstrong with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award at the club's 70th anniversary bash Thursday evening at the Sons of Norway.
The fellowship, which was created in 1973, is named in honor of the founder of Lions Cubs International, Melvin Jones. The fellowship was established as LCIF’s highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual’s dedication to humanitarian service.
Melvin Jones Fellows receive an attractive lapel pin, a plaque and a congratulatory letter.
The recipient of this award becomes a model because of the exemplary service to his club and the community for which it serves.

We are proud to have within our membership individuals that have received the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award.
This photo shows all of our Poulsbo Lions MJF Award recipients present last night at the club's 70th anniversary party. From left to right: Jim Schoettler, Dottie Ridgeway, Larry Linn, Karl Ostheller, Elda Armstrong, Dale Anderson, Chuck Weaver, David Risley, Dick Risley, Dennis Tesch, Manny Xenos, Herb Armstrong, and Dennis Peters.
Edited to add Poulsbo Lion Matt Alvarado, who earned the MJF while a member of his previous club, Key Biscayne.