Thursday, February 20, 2025

New Lions added at Loads of Change service project

We're happy to show a couple of new faces at our Loads of Change service program. Lions Michele Grenier and Pat Rae volunteered to help feed quarters into the washers and dryers during our monthly laundromat adventure. They were joined by fellow Lions Ray and Ria McMahon, Dennis Tesch, Dennis Deitch and Terry Blais.

We spent $623 ($227.25 in Lions' donations and $5 at the laundromat) helping 39 people wash 158 loads and dry 111 loads.

We're always looking for donations for this program - cash or items like heavy duty garbage bags (contractor ones) and vinegar. Donations may be dropped off at John L. Scott Real Estate c/o Dennis Deitch on 10th Avenue; mailed to Poulsbo Lions, PO Box 1244, Poulsbo WA 98370; or you may donate via Paypal at; or just come on down to the Village Laundromat on the 3rd Wednesday between 2 and 6 pm.