Lions Andy Hento and Elda Armstrong with her helper, Dave |
Though it's a bit on the cool side today, plenty of families are showing up for our annual fishing derby at the pond by Poulsbo Middle School. There's still time to fish if you haven't gotten out there yet - Lions are there till 1 p.m.
Check out the Canada goose family, the osprey (earlier it plucked a trout out of the pond and flew away with it), and enjoy some concessions sold by NK High Leo Club students.
#fishingderby #poulsbolions #lotsoftrout #ospreyfishing #goosefam #donutsandcoffee #nkleo #wecleanfishtoo #freefamilyfun
Lions Rick Wright and Tom Settle getting poles set up. |
Finn, 8, and Kelly Norton of Kingston show the second trout they caught today at our fishing derby. |
Lion Dan Vogel works with a hook and line |