Tuesday, October 10, 2023

NK Leos at middle school, high school line up loads of projects

 (This is from a District 19N Facebook post)

Poulsbo Middle School Leo Club began their school year activities on October 2. They handed out their community service work sheets and looked at service opportunities for this fall. They did a project for the Quilcene Fiber Festival and are making plans for a fall clothing drive and a Teddy Bear collection project for the Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital. Other projects include environmental work at Poulsbo’s Fish Park and helping with Poulsbo Parks & Rec Salmon days program.
The NK Vikings Leo Club completed an environmental project at Fish Park and are in the planning stages of their fall blood drive and their “Trick or Treat” food drive for the Fishline Food Bank. The NK Leos began their year with the Viking Rush recruitment day on August 16.