Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Highest loads of laundry yet

Lions Maria McMahon and Dennis Tesch

Evening Pride Branch Club Dave Risley and Poulsbo Noon Lion Carol Ryan

Poulsbo Lions spent $335 on 130 loads of laundry for at 23 people February 19. Lions helping out include Terry Blais, Carol Ryan, Dennis Tesch, Dave Risley, and Maria and Ray McMahon. Our next Loads of Change will be Fishline's March 4 Loads of Change from 2-6 pm.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Our Kingston High LEOs are most excellent

Our Kingston High School LEOs earned the LEO Excellence Award. Making the presentation is Lions District Governor Pat Burch. Also in the picture is our Lions Zone Chair Elda Armstrong. The two young ladies are our current KHS LEO co-presidents Nara Deller and Sophie Svarthumle.

Friday, February 14, 2020

NK LEOs collect 84 units of blood

NK LEOs hosted a blood drive Thursday. They collected 84 units of blood.
LEO leaders for this blood drive were Ava Banker and Izzy Miller.