Thursday, December 12, 2019

Christmas party fun and service

Scenes from our annual Christmas party. This year it was held at the Clearwater Casino Resort.

The Clearwater Resort provided the decorated Christmas tree while Lions and their guests brought useful things like new socks, mittens/gloves and scarves for Fishline Food Bank.

The gift exchange is always fun. Here, District Governor Pat Burch shows off the magical Santa he opened.

Lion Mike Paxhia and his wonderful present.

 Lions Erika Dodsley and her father, Dave Risley, with his mom Ginny Risley.

Lion Carol Ryan with her fiance Cathal MacGuire.

Lion Tom Settle and wife Billie Jo, Sue Weaver and Lion Jan Kelly.

Lions Karl and Pauline Ostheller and Paulette and Mike Alvarado.

Lion Steve Calhoun and wife Karen, with Lions Joyce Smith and Erika Dodsley.

 Wrapped gifts for the always eventful and fun exchange.

Lion Eric Thanem with his guest and Eric Blais.

The Alvarados with Lion Kent Lord.

Lions Jim Shields, Chuck Weaver and Mike Paxhia.

Lion Dennis Deitch and wife Denise with Lion Rick Wright and his better half.

Lions Dori Swokowsky, Karen Reitan and June Cotner.

 Bev Puhn and Lions Scott Puhn and Dennis Deitch.

Bev Stark with Jackie Macdonald and Lion Tom Stark.

Singing is an important component of our Christmas party! Especially the 12 Days of Christmas.

Lions Dave Risley, Dottie Ridgeway and Marian Phillips.