Saturday, March 31, 2018

Burch receives centennial pin

Congrats to Poulsbo Noon Lion Sherri Burch, who received a silver centennial pin from President John Macdonald at our March 29 meeting. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

M & M kids screened

71 kids at the Martha & Mary Childcare Center had their vision screened March 27 by Poulsbo Lions Greg Supancheck, Pat Burch, Larry Linn, Karen Reitan, Dottie Ridgeway and Steve Calhoun.

Stenstrom graduates WWU

We're so proud of our youngest Lion Joe Stenstrom who recently graduated from Western Washington University in business administration. Joe presented Sandi Dahlquist, secretary, and John MacDonald, president, with his graduation sash as a thank you to club members for supporting him.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

First work party for new fire station garden

Evening Pride Branch Club members had their first work party March 17 to clean up and put in gardens by the fire station off of Highway 305. Lions helping out were: Rob Ratcliff, Dave Risley, Cecelie Burleson, Joyce Smith, and Dottie Ridgeway.

Vision screening continues

26 children from Garden Montessori (4 referrals) had their vision screened by Lions Steve Calhoun, Pauline Ostheller and Eric Thanem yesterday. Our vision screeners are averaging one school per week!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

We have the Wright Lion

Poulsbo Noon’s newest member, Rick Wright, wears his yellow vest as he was recently inducted. Also pictured are Pat Burch, Larry Linn (his back is to us) and Rick's sponsor, Dennis Deitch. Welcome Rick!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Vision screening and visitation....

Poulsbo Lions screened the vision of 40+ NK homeschool students Tuesday - and no referrals! (That's a good thing!) Thanks to Lions Pat, Sherri, Steve and Pauline.

Also, Lions Sherri, Pat, and Harlan visited the Port Angeles Lions Club! It's GREAT to be a Poulsbo Lion!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Knudson earns blue vest

Our newest Noon Lion earned his blue vest today! President John Macdonald claps at Harland Knudson's achievement with sponsor Elda Armstrong joining in.

Reels wanted for fishing derby

WANTED: A few reels and other fishing gear for our Poulsbo Lions Club annual Fishing Derby. It's coming up in April! Please contact Terry at (360) 509-8041 if you have something to donate.

Every year the Poulsbo Lions Club hosts a free fishing derby for kids ages 12 and Under. We offer use of our fishing poles, bait, fishing cleaning... the whole deal! Our reels get a lot of wear and tear and we're looking at acquiring more to keep more kids fishing. Thanks!

Eyes, eyeglasses and litter...

We had a busy week - vision screening by Steve, Candy and Karen... collected 17 bags of highway litter... and Port Orchard Lions grabbed 900 pairs of eyeglasses from us. We Serve!

Starting to garden

Chalk up another 15 pounds of fresh veggies for ShareNet

Here we are in the middle of October and still harvesting veggies from the Firehouse Garden for ShareNet Food Bank. Today we got celery, min...