Thursday, June 8, 2017

Scholarships, Leo award handed out at lunch meeting

It's always a pleasure to hand out scholarship money to students who deserve it! #nkareascholarships #creamofthecrop #weserve #pancakebreakfast #poulsbolions #75years

NKHS senior Sarah Hemmett receives a Poulsbo Lions scholarship from Roger Sherrard at our June 8 meeting.

NKHS senior Nick Berry-Maraist receives the Jim Stark Scholarship, named for our beloved past King Lion, from Roger Sherrard.

 Grace Holmes, NKHS senior, with Sherrard

Wendy Yu, a Kingston High senior, and Sherrard

Lion Joe Stenstrom, currently a Western Washington University student, receives a scholarship given in the name of Jim Schoettler from Sherrard.

Leo Liaison Karl Ostheller (right) presents NKHS Leo President Nick Berry-Maraist with a 100% Leo Club President award.