Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lions join Leos to assemble hygiene kits

Poulsbo Lions and North Kitsap High School Leos put together hygiene kits for the homeless on Jan. 21 in the North Kitsap High Commons. Leos not only collected donations for the kits, but helped to put them together, as well.

NKHS Leo Club Advisor Stephen Nolet chats with Lion Pat Burch. Our club gave these Leos $200 to spend purchasing items they couldn't get donated.

Stickers saying the kits are "courtesy of the Poulsbo Lions" are put on the plastic baggies holding the kit items by Lion Jay Dahlquist (bottom left) and Lion Roland Arper.

Items for the kits include shampoo, disposable razors, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste and more. It's an assembly line! Any leftover items were being taken to places that serve the homeless - Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul.

Photos courtesy of Lion Karl Ostheller.