Thursday, December 3, 2015

Eyes, blood drives, music, party and more

It's been another busy week for our Lions and Leos clubs, and more events are coming up. Here are some items from today's lunch meeting:

  • Lion Jim Schoettler reported the Vision Screening Committee was at a Kingston preschool yesterday and made one referral.
  • Kingston High School Leos signed up 60 students to donate blood today. The blood mobile was moved to a better area where it could be set up longer to accommodate all of the great kids donating.
  • This Sunday, the Poulsbo Orchestra is offering a free performance at North Point Church on Hostmark Street at 3 p.m. The orchestra is asking for cash and/or food donations for Fishline.
  • Poulsbo Lions are advertising a blood drive Wednesday, Dec. 16, from 12-6 p.m. at the Social Hall at First Lutheran Church (where we meet), on 4th Avenue. All blood donations stay in the local area.
  • A sign-up sheet was passed around for our Christmas Party, which is Dec. 17 at Whiskey Creek Steakhouse at 6 p.m. RSVP to Lion Elda Armstrong by Dec. 10.
  • A sign-up sheet was passed around for Lions to be holiday helpers at Fishline Dec. 16-23 in 2-hour increments. Wear your Lions vests, shirts, jackets, hats, etc.
  • Poulsbo Noon Lions meet Dec. 10, have the Christmas Party, Dec. 17, skip a meeting Dec. 24, and have a brown bag lunch (no program or catered lunch) on Dec. 31.