Ask someone to come to one of our meetings - on us! We've got White Canes this Friday and Saturday, a Postal Food Drive May 9, and our Pancake Breakfast May 16 and 17. What a great way to get involved in our community!
Lions is kindness in action. When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s an incredible feeling for everyone involved. Poulsbo Lions are going on 83 years strong! From Vision Screening to Flags and Laundry to Growing Veggies, We Serve the North Kitsap Community. Contact us at or Our website is
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Lions respond to earthquake in Nepal
Click on the link to see how Lions Club International is helping out:
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Lots of trout caught at Fishing Derby
It's not hard to tell Lion Herb is in charge of our Fishing Derby with a cap like that!
A table was set up with bait, bobbers and more at the NK Horticulture Pond Saturday, April 25.
Lion Kent Lord's grandson, Thorne Tolliver cleans fish (below). Thorne is a sophomore at North Kitsap High School.
Herb and Kent
It was a beautiful day, though a little wet and chilly in the early morning.
Lions Elda, John and Patrick helped young fishermen get set up.
Poulsbo Middle School Leo Alex Vousboukis and a happy fisherman. Alex removed the hook from the fish for this boy.
These happy faces greeted all who entered through the chainlink fence and gate. (Left to right): PMS Leo Abby Sheldon and volunteer Inga Mansker-Stoker, and NKHS Leos Jenae Arnold and Kiley Pugh offer refreshments. Lions Elda Armstrong, John MacDonald, and Patrick Osler are standing around the table on the right.
Our club provided the refreshments - doughnuts, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, tea and water - while Leos benefitted from the donations.
King Lion Dennis Peters and his grandson, Mason, show off the live trout in the Ziploc baggy.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Viking Fest schedule is set
The Viking Fest schedule is set! Most important - our Pancake Breakfast on May 16 and 17 at the North Kitsap High School Commons, co-chaired by Lions Scott Puhn and Terry Blais. Look for the sign-up sheets at the next couple of lunch meetings.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Lions build section of Fish Park boardwalk
Six Poulsbo Lions and a grandson built this section of boardwalk at Fish Park Saturday, April 18. Our club was asked to provide the $600 in material plus labor this time. Lions on the project were Dennis Peters, Chuck Weaver, Dick Prine, Steve Calhoun, Tom Settle, and Ken Rury (photos only).
Hercules, aka Chuck Weaver, showing his strength.
Dick Prine, Steve Calhoun and others adding the side boards.
Dick adds the final bolt.
Mason Peters, King Lion Dennis' grandson, was a big help.
Getting it set up.
Tom Settle making a cut.
Making it look pretty.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Swim, screenings and more
Here's an update on what your club has been doing:
We had another good turnout for our free community swim on April 11, with 35 people (adults and kids) splashing around the NK Pool.
Our vision team screened 43 people (3 adults, 40 kids) at Gateway in Poulsbo on April 14.
We have Lions working on the Fish Park boardwalk this Saturday at 8:30 a.m. And more Lions at Fish Park on Sunday for a work party (bring work gloves!).
We had another good turnout for our free community swim on April 11, with 35 people (adults and kids) splashing around the NK Pool.
Our vision team screened 43 people (3 adults, 40 kids) at Gateway in Poulsbo on April 14.
We have Lions working on the Fish Park boardwalk this Saturday at 8:30 a.m. And more Lions at Fish Park on Sunday for a work party (bring work gloves!).
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Free swim at noon today
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Easter hunt is a success!
Lions Steve Calhoun and Dennis Deitch chat while parking cars at Raab Park Saturday, April 4, for the annual city Easter Candy Hunt.
Dennis D. and a city worker keep the cars moving.
Patrick Osler headed up the Lions committee.
Leo the Lion (Ginger Shields) was on hand to high 5 those kids who weren't afraid of her.
Many kids were thrilled!
Our club provided $500 in candy and prizes.
Here is one of the "bunnies" tossing candy onto the grass in the 1- and 2-year-old section.
Since the kids were so young, parents and other family members were invited to help out.
We had princesses on hand to brighten up the day.
Nicole Lacey, Sabrina Mai Tucker, Madison Gilmore and Lion Ginger.
Karl in the shelter area.
Organized chaos.
Some kids understood they should put the candy and eggs in their baskets. Others did not.
A dad holds open his son's bag. The kids were definitely not hurrying.
If a child had an egg, he or she could either 1) keep it, or 2) turn it in for a prize from this bin.![]() |
Photo courtesy Lion Ken Rury |
Lions Pat Burch, Ginger and Lynnea Herrmann were on hand to help out too.
Let the hunt begin!
Don't forget about our Easter egg candy hunt at Raab Park (off Caldart Avenue) today at 1 p.m. Leo the Lion will be there, as will other Lions to help you park.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Rury earns blue vest
Sponsoring Lion Patrick Osler helps Ken Rury with his new blue vest at Thursday's noon meeting. Rury had to fulfill a series of requirements (helping with activities, attending a board meeting, etc.) to ditch his temporary yellow vest for a blue one. Congrats Ken!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Member accomplishments
Lions Karl, Elda and Herb received a certificate of accomplishment from Lions Club International for service, growth and leadership at our April 2 meeting.
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