Sunday, March 15, 2015

We're Winners!

Poulsbo Lions Club was well represented at the 2015 District 19C Contest and Awards at Spring Convention in Tacoma March 14.

The best news first - we placed first for our club brochure (Karl Ostheller), our scrapbook (Terry Blais), and our action photo of Dave Risley screening a preschooler's vision (Dottie Ridgeway).
New member Ken Rury placed second for his Achievement Speech, and this website (Terry Blais) got 3rd place behind Gig Harbor and Puyallup.

"Congratulations to all clubs with contest entries. With “Skin in the Game" participants have more fun, strive to do their best and
cheer each other on. New this year, the Action Photo contest attracted the most clubs participating! The smaller clubs competed toe to toe with the larger clubs sometimes with only 1 point separating the standings. Thanks to my focused and thoughtful committee:
Dotty Jackl, Bill Zidel, Bob Johnson, Karl Ostheller, Bob McLean, Suzanne Gayda and Judy Ann Bergvall. Those in the first place column will receive homemade cookies delivered to their club meeting by yours truly! Guess I'd better get busy!"

1st VDGE Jan Weatherly,
Contest and Awards Chair

P.S. Weatherly will be visiting our club at our April 9 meeting and bringing cookies, so you won't want to miss it!