Have you Registered yet? All Leos and Lions are welcome to register at: leoconference.leosforum.org
Lions is kindness in action. When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s an incredible feeling for everyone involved. Poulsbo Lions are going on 83 years strong! From Vision Screening to Flags and Laundry to Growing Veggies, We Serve the North Kitsap Community. Contact us at Poulsbolions@gmail.com or PoulsboEPLions@gmail.com. Our website is poulsbolions.org.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
We're part of Kitsap's Great Give
Kitsap Great Give is ON! Please consider Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation when giving. Your money stays in the NK community and will aid the local food banks. https://kitsapgreatgive.org/
Monday, April 13, 2020
LCIF's response to the coronavirus
Want the most up-to-date information on LCIF’s response to COVID-19? Visit our designated page https://bit.ly/2Ulrnbc to learn more about LCIF's response, how to apply for a grant and how to support LCIF’s efforts.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Lions giving 46 grants of almost $1.5 million
COVID-19 Frontline Relief Grant Update: LCIF has now been able to award 46 grants totaling US$1,496,603. Donations for our COVID-19 response are being accepted through LCIF's General Disaster Fund. Thank you for your support! https://bit.ly/3ael9Q1
Monday, April 6, 2020
Annual pancake breakfast and shortcake booth cancelled due to coronavirus
This is from the Viking Fest Committee:
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the cancellation of the 2020 Viking Fest. After great deliberation we as a committee have decided to put the communities health and safety first. Know that this decision did not come easy as this will be the first time in 50+ years that there will not be a Festival or Parade to celebrate the Norwegian Independence day, and further more to celebrate our amazing town of Poulsbo. We want to thank all of our amazing volunteers, vendors, and sponsors for your continued support. #PoulsboStrong
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Fishing derby cancelled
Our annual Hooked on Fish fishing derby has been cancelled due to the coronavirus. We hope to see everybody in 2021!