Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Three new Melvin Jones Fellows named at banquet

Our Poulsbo Lions are richer with three new Melvin Jones award recipients - (left) Mike Alvarado with son, Lion Matt Alvarado, above. Matt received the Martin G. Anderson Lion of the Year award that same evening for his work as membership chair and his can-do attitude.
Sandi Dahlquist (with Lions Dale Armstrong and hubby Jay Dahlquist).
And Roger Sherrard, with Lion Jim Stark on his right.
And a photo of all of the Melvin Jones Fellows present at our club's installation banquet at the Clearwater Casino June 20. All photos were provided by Lion Lynnea Heerman.
President Ginger also recognized Lion Doug Mong for a Spirit Award. Doug's sister, Lion Beth Olsen, accepted the award on his behalf because Doug was in the hospital.
District Governor David Risley swore in the new officers and directors for the Noon Lions and Evening Pride Branch.